Test your cultural expertise with our weekly quiz question. This week’s question is from France.
Your close French colleague takes on a formal tone in his written notes and emails to you. This is because:
A. Close friendship has nothing to do with business
B. The relationship is probably cooling
C. Writing is highly prized by the French, and style is important.
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Last week we asked whether climactic conditions influence the different cultures in north and south Azerbaijan. Here’s the answer:
False. Differences that have developed are largely due to religion and different political influences. In the north, Soviet domination encouraged a largely secular culture, while in the south the influence of Iran encouraged perpetuation of a largely religious Shi‘ite Muslim population.
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About the author
I’ll go with… A! Makes the most sense to me- keeping business and personal separate.
A, probably! It is really difficult to keep business and personal life separate but quite sure my French colleague will do it!