DeeBee, born in Paris, has been living abroad for 20+ years, currently in the UK. Although DeeBee has been living outside of France for a long time and speaks mostly English on a day to day basis, DeeBee loves to share her home culture with  us here on Pocket Cultures as a regional contributor and also on her personal blog:

Where do you live? Where are you from? If those are different, can you tell us a little about what inspired your move?

I left France a long time ago, spent nearly 20 years in Asia, and have been living  in the UK for the last 3 years. Why did I move? To follow my husband’s various professional postings.

If you would describe yourself as multi-cultural, tell us a bit about what culture you most identify with and why. If you have kids, what culture do they most associate with?

I feel very French in my way of thinking but hardly speak French as most my friends and family speak English.

In fact I feel very European!

My teenage daughter was born and lived abroad for most of her life and feels that where she was born is “home” which is natural.

But despite having dual nationality she feels more English than French as English is her first language and she never lived in France.

Why did you decide to become a Pocket Cultures contributor?

I came across Pocket Cultures while reading someone whose blog is listed as a Blog of the World and thought that it was a very interesting and different approach to travelling and learning about foreign cultures

I also like the idea of contributing to a team work when I can.

Can you describe a typical day for you?

A lot of time on my computer as I am running my own web site and my blog

What is the best part of living in your country? The worst?

Best? Superb climate, architecture, cuisine, way of being…There is really a “French touch” as we are mid-way between the Italians and the English, we combine the best of these two opposite cultures!

Worst? Thinking that we are so perfect – but we are, aren’t we?!?!

What books or films would you recommend someone who’d like to know more about your country?

Films: Any from the 60s or 70s as they were produced by a very inventive and innovative type of producers and reflect quite well the way French are.

Books: Any historical or social novel from the late 19th century (when society went through a major transformation) to the present day.

 What’s something that visitors are often surprised by when getting to know your country/culture?

That we don’t eat garlic from dawn to dusk!

That we don’t eat white bread as it is bleached and therefore is bad quality!

That Paris cafe waiters are very rude…even to us! Not good, but sadly true…

That French people drink less wine than people think or at least they drink less but better quality

That it can rain…even in France!


About the author

Carrie is an American who just moved from Bali to Mendoza, Argentina. Carrie caught the wanderlust bug early on from her parents, who raised her in Mexico City. Carrie and her husband David have lived in New York, London, Barcelona, Costa Rica, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, and Bali before moving to Mendoza. They are actively working to pass on the travel bug to their young son Timmy, who has already been to twelve countries.