Andrea Arzaba describes herself as ‘una chica con suerte’, or ‘one lucky soul’ in the English version. She’s a contributor to many online publications including Global Voices, and recently started an online project called The Sunflower Post, where bloggers from around the world write about local news or stories with a gender perspective. Chunks of Mexico (and the world) is Andrea’s personal blog.
Posts are either in Spanish, or both Spanish and English and cover many topics relevant to Mexico and sometimes abroad. This post about Top Gear’s coverage of the Mexican Mastretta car tackles stereotypes and how they are perceived within Mexico.
For lighter reading, check this post on Rosca de Reyes (cake for 3 kings day) and compare it with our accounts of the Portuguese and Argentinian versions.
Read more:
More Mexican blogs on Blogs of the World
An extraordinary journey: marrying a Mexican
Speaking Spanglish in Cancun
About the author