Picture Postcards has been moved to Mondays to help brighten up that back to work feeling.
Golden Week, in late spring in Japan, is a time of celebration, relaxation and dragonboat races. Michael Lynch has contributed this eye-catching photo of one of the largest dragonboats used in the Okinawa races.
Do you have photos to share? Add them to our Picture Postcards of the World photo group, and we’ll pick our favourites to feature on PocketCultures. November’s theme is festivals.
Read more:
Okinawa: The Far South in Japan
Five Unusual Servings I’ve encountered in Japan
Taking a Bath in Japan
This is an interesting tradition.
Wowwow, Thank you. Stop by again and I’m sure you’ll find many more.
Been there done that. like THRICE….Okinawa Japan baby!
Sounds like you had a great time. Keep coming back!
My Daughter in Law Heather Coulter is participating in this year’s race! This will be her 2nd one and she is coming from Camp Foster a USMC Base where my son Cory is serving.
Hope you get to watch or participate this year too!
That’s great. I’ll try and catch some good photos for you. Pray for blue skies. OK?
I went to dragon boat festival in Turkey a few weeks ago. Apparently it’s got quite popular there in the last few years.