Oeiras is a small town on the Atlantic coast of Portugal, just outside Lisbon. In Oeiras and environs daily photo you can see a new photo every day of this colourful and historic town, which is already enjoying the summer.

Through this varied collection of photos you will see many different aspects of life in this pretty coastal town – old and new buildings, seaside rollerblading and even Portuguese film recommendations

Image: San Antonio urban handicrafts from Oeiras and environs daily photo

Thanks to Jose for writing to submit his blog, which is part of the City Daily Photo network. Can you recommend a blog from your part of the world? If so please write to info@pocketcultures.com


About the author

Lucy is English and first ventured out of the UK she was 19. Since then she has lived in 4 different countries and tried to see as much of the world as possible. She loves learning languages, learning about different cultures and hearing different points of view.