“Deprived of their wallets, phones and passports, they board a leaky refugee boat, are rescued mid-ocean, experience immigration raids in Malaysia, live in a Kenyan refugee camp and visit slums in Jordan before ultimately making it to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq, protected by UN Peacekeepers and the US military. For some of them it’s their first time abroad. For all of them, it’s an epic journey and the most challenging experience of their lives…”
This is the story of six Australians who volunteered to retrace in reverse the journey that refugees have taken to reach Australia. The 3-part SBS series, Go Back To Where You Came From, aims to challenge the participants’ preconceived notions about refugees and asylum seekers.
It’s a topic which is widely debated within Australia but this show explores the human side of the issue through individual stories.
The show concluded on the 28th June, however, episodes are now available online. The site also features teaching resouces, forums and a simulation that tests if you could survive an asylum seeker’s journey.
Read more:
Immigrants: citizens of the world
Long distance love: Kyrgyz migrants in the cinema
Chicago’s cultural stew
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