Every month we feature a blog from Rising Voices, which supports local groups and underrepresented communities around the world in using citizen media to join the global conversation.
Today’s blog is from the Nari Jibon project in Bangladesh and is called Rafiq’s Eye. Unfortunately it’s not being updated any more, but there are some great stories where we can learn more about life in Bangladesh.
In this blog Rafiq shares stories of his life: his mother and his wife and children:
In my student life (specially when I was studying in college and university) I saw many unhappy families, bad relationship of husbands and wives in their conjugal lives that lead me to make decision of not getting married. I really decided not to get married but when I saw Tora (My wife later) I forgot about my decision.
Outside of family life, Rafiq also writes about issues facing Bangladesh such as keeping the Bangla language alive and living through a cyclone.
Too bad we won’t hear more stories from this blogger!
Read more:
More blogs from Bangladesh on Blogs of the World
Which language should I learn?
Henna artist to graphic designer
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