This week is the last week of Ramadan for the Muslim world, and Global Voices Online reported on a mission by two New York Muslims to visit 30 mosques in 30 days:
Two young men in New York City, Aman Ali and Bassam Tariq, are nearing the end of their journey to document visits to “30 mosques in 30 days” on their blog of the same name.
The personal project to visit and photograph the insides of mosques throughout the holy month of Ramadan (during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset) has even attracted the attention of local New York television.
Read the rest of the post at Global Voices.
Image credit: 30 mosques in 30 days
This project shows the true diversity of New York City – the journey covered a different community every day: Sunni and Shia, Albanian, Indonesian, Pakistani, Middle Eastern and many more.
It’s a great way to see how each community celebrates Ramadan in its own way.
Read more:
Religion in the USA
Ramadan Kareem
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