They say Maramures people are “Romania’s Celts”.

Lately, they have almost “invaded” Bucharest; there is no week without a fair where they are invited.

And they impress us with their beautifully handmade traditional costumes. And their particular type of dance, resembling a little with the Irish one. So full of colour and energy.

Maramures traditional music is always accompanied with special instruments like the violin named “cetera“ and the five string guitar, called “zongora“.

The people of this historic region situated in the northern part of Romania have preserved unaltered traditions, from folk costumes, music and dance, to the cycle of life with its three important moments, baptism, marriage and funeral.

Traditional dance & music, “The Merry Cemetery“ in Sapanta, the old wooden churches (many of them declared UNESCO World Heritage monuments), genuine homemade food and drink, are just a few of Maramures attractions. For a close look at what Maramures has to offer, you can start planning your visit here.

Read more:
Romanian blogs on Blogs of the World
Genuine Romanian food from Bucharest’s organic fairs
Traditional Maori craft in New Zealand

About the author

Carmen was born and raised in Bucharest, the city where she currently lives. She worked in the Sales Department of a radio station for 15 years. Along with some friends, Carmen recently founded a small company that deals with website development and online promotion. She loves English, listening to music, establishing connections and meeting new people and has a real passion for Ireland. Carmen is attracted by foreign cultures and she likes very much to travel (whenever it is possible!)