What do New York and Japan have in common? Well, one thing is they are both short on places to grow food. New York is famously short on space, and Japan already imports 60% of its food supply.

Both Japan and the USA are planning space-age spaces to grow their vegetables.

In Japan they are called ‘vegetable factories’: often disused factories which have been converted to provide a growing environment with specially controlled light, temperature, humidity and air composition.

New York plans to exploit unused rooftop space rather than the insides of buildings for its urban vegetable production. Vegetables will be grown using a ‘water-based, soil-free method’.

Now how long before we start seeing synthesized meat?

Would you eat vegetables grown in a factory? Or do you prefer to know that they were grown outdoors?

Read more:
Changing eating habits in Japan
American Thanksgiving recipes
How to tip in Britain and the USA


About the author

Lucy is English and first ventured out of the UK she was 19. Since then she has lived in 4 different countries and tried to see as much of the world as possible. She loves learning languages, learning about different cultures and hearing different points of view.